The present article discusses everything that you need to know about the latest Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®) certification course, its cost and components. The certification course in CSPO training is being provided on your one-stop Learning Partner Zeolearn. So, before getting starting answer to my questions: Do you want to become an skilled Agile Product Owner and lead the business side of a project at organization level? Do you have that passion in you to drive product value for the customers? 

If you answer is yes, then take our CSPO certification training course as a golden opportunity of your life and get professional credential in the field. Below mentioned are the details of Scrum Alliance CSPO certification cost in a tabular form, the benefit of attending the course, and the skills that you will gain will give a boost to your job-ready skills. So, let’s get started:


The CSPO certification training course is available in both mode i.e. online and physical course so it becomes easier for you to decide as per your convenience with which mode you want to attend the sessions. However, kindly note that the CSPO course fee will be same for both the modes. For you clarity, below the tabular representation of the Scrum Alliance CSPO certification cost in some of the top most country in the world:

CountryCurrencyCSPO Cost Range
CanadaCAD1000- 1500
United KingdomGBP800-1000

2. CSPO® Certification Cost Summary

CSPO® Certification Cost HeadActual Cost
Classroom/Online training costBased on location as mentioned above.
Renewal fee$100 and 20 SEUs, every two years.


Most of the top organizations across the globe has started to recognize the value of Scrum framework and are embracing Agile. But to lead the development efforts of the organization towards successful productivity, they need to hire skilled CSPOs who can use their expertise in proper implementation of Scrum and Agile and represent their organization’s interest in the market. 

A skilled Certified Scrum Product Owner® has a vital role to play in the product development for their organizations who have embraced the Agile framework.  A CSPO is the one mainly responsible behind maximizing the product value produced by the development team and he is the one who represent the interest of product stakeholder in the Scrum framework. A PO along with a ScrumMaster acts as a communication chain between the development team and the user community and hence he is in the position to guide the product development effort towards success. They are the main part of the product team and lead the efforts of the team towards success of the organization.


A formal recognition by our CSPO® certification, from Scrum Alliance gives you an edge as a professional Product Owner and paves the future path for better career opportunities. So, if you are someone who is looking for that right opportunity to make an firm impact in the Scrum and Agile world, then gaining our CSPO certification would turn out to be your best bet.

Also Read: Information About The Certified Scrum Product Owner Training Course That We Provide

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