How To Create A Sales Recruiting And Training System That Will Bring You Ten Salespeople A Week

Sales Recruiting

The Ultimate Valuable Learning Product

To begin with, remember axiom #1: a properly built training system in a company affects profit, average bill, and conversion. The more professional sales managers, the higher the company’s overall transformation.

I understand the system consists of two inseparable components: hiring and training. Why do I deliberately combine them into a single whole? Yes, because one needs the other to work effectively.

There is such a thing as a valuable end product. And in my picture of the world for a working training system, this manager started selling and completed the plan for a trial period following the regulations and job description.

Not scripts, documents, or work in the CRM system, but practical primary work. And it is affected by every stage the company has gone through since the moment the need for a new salesperson appeared.

The chain is like this:

  • writing the text of the vacancy and its placement;
  • conducting the initial selection of candidates and the initial interview;
  • briefings and interviews with selected candidates;
  • training of suitable specialists;
  • entering the trial period with the first successful leads;
  • employee adaptation;
  • employee control.

And the shorter the chain, the more efficient the system. It should be built to take as little time as possible—for example, one or two months, not a year.

We build such systems for our clients, where the manager is trained for three days, after which it is immediately clear whether he will bring profit to the company in a month. After all, the faster the training works, the less likely the company will burn out due to unqualified sales. And I said, and will repeat: they are the most valuable business resource in the sales field.

Just imagine that the education system is an investment. Let’s say you invested 50 thousand rubles in the placement of a vacancy, in the work of a recruiter, in training an effective sales manager. If it ends up being just that, the investment will pay off. For example, for these 50 thousand, after a couple of months, you will receive 500 thousand rubles clean.

With such thoughts, one should approach the formation of the system.

And I immediately foresee the question – can this system be unprofitable? Yes, it can if it works inefficiently. Therefore, I advise you to take your time with the embrasure, but first roll back the business process with small investments, check how it works, and only then scale it up. And invest more funds only if you see that the structure is operating at 90-100%.

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